Friday, March 12, 2010

your vision

When I see a good design, I think that this person put a lot of time and effort into it. But mostly I think that it comes from the heart. That’s why I think that becoming an interior designer is a good place for me. Because if I’m going to do something, I might as well put my whole heart into it, and make it look good the first time. I try to do that when I’m rearranging the furniture or moving decorations around. I want to give myself the feeling of accomplishment, and have pride in what I do. So then after I’m done I look at it and think that I really tried my best.

When you think of design you probably think of elegant, spunky, relaxing, or any other type of design, you always have a special vision of what it will look like. I want to make that vision come true. My goal that I set for myself is that if and when I get my job as an interior designer, I will make that vision come to life. I know I have pretty high hopes and dreams for myself, but anything can happen if you just believe.

Friday, March 5, 2010

my favorite part

As you all know I love to design… There are a couple of favorites that I have. That would be the color and the decorations that you choose. The color you choose can tell a person a lot about who you are. For instants if you paint your room black or red, people will probably think that you aren’t the brightest person and that you want to close yourself from the world. If you would paint your room orange or yellow, people will think that you have a bubbly personality. If you paint your room pink, people will probably get the feeling that you are a girly person [which is alright].

The other part of designing that I like is the decorations because if you look for the right things, even the tiniest decoration can give the makeover a huge difference. Say that you have a normal light hanging over your table in the dining room, and you change it to a chandelier, you can get a whole new look and your dining room will look more sophisticated. Or if you put a big picture along with few candles on top of your fireplace mantel, your living room could look entirely different.