Friday, March 12, 2010

your vision

When I see a good design, I think that this person put a lot of time and effort into it. But mostly I think that it comes from the heart. That’s why I think that becoming an interior designer is a good place for me. Because if I’m going to do something, I might as well put my whole heart into it, and make it look good the first time. I try to do that when I’m rearranging the furniture or moving decorations around. I want to give myself the feeling of accomplishment, and have pride in what I do. So then after I’m done I look at it and think that I really tried my best.

When you think of design you probably think of elegant, spunky, relaxing, or any other type of design, you always have a special vision of what it will look like. I want to make that vision come true. My goal that I set for myself is that if and when I get my job as an interior designer, I will make that vision come to life. I know I have pretty high hopes and dreams for myself, but anything can happen if you just believe.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Your posts are way better than mine! I like that you always believe in yourself and you try to make your dreams come true. I hope to see you on TV! If you do ( I know you will) you should come do a makeover at my house.
