Friday, January 15, 2010

First Semester Portfolio - Piece I’d Like to Revise

The piece I would like to revise and make more interesting and spooky would be a poem I wrote for a journal. It was a Halloween time and I was look out the window and I saw all kinds of different Halloween decoration so I started to write a poem:

Halloween time is filled with fun,
Different costumes you see people wear,
All different kinds scary and cute,
You hand you candy to little kids,
So badly you want to eat it,
You stay up late to trick or treat,
All the different houses you see decorated differently,
Kids come with their candy buckets and ask for candy,
You give them two or three…or maybe four.
Halloween movies always are so fun to watch,
Spooky witches, goblins, and ghosts,
Brews spells and potions,
But don’t worry that isn’t real,
Jack-o-lanterns can keep them away,
They are so fun to carve and put on the stair ways.
Halloween is filled with fun, laugher, and games,
All the kids sing the song,
Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat,
If you don’t, I don’t care, I’ll pull down your underwear!
You wouldn’t do that; I know it’s true,
Little kids, so sweet and cute,
That’s why Halloween is so fun
Dressing up, going out to enjoy your night

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