Friday, March 12, 2010

your vision

When I see a good design, I think that this person put a lot of time and effort into it. But mostly I think that it comes from the heart. That’s why I think that becoming an interior designer is a good place for me. Because if I’m going to do something, I might as well put my whole heart into it, and make it look good the first time. I try to do that when I’m rearranging the furniture or moving decorations around. I want to give myself the feeling of accomplishment, and have pride in what I do. So then after I’m done I look at it and think that I really tried my best.

When you think of design you probably think of elegant, spunky, relaxing, or any other type of design, you always have a special vision of what it will look like. I want to make that vision come true. My goal that I set for myself is that if and when I get my job as an interior designer, I will make that vision come to life. I know I have pretty high hopes and dreams for myself, but anything can happen if you just believe.

Friday, March 5, 2010

my favorite part

As you all know I love to design… There are a couple of favorites that I have. That would be the color and the decorations that you choose. The color you choose can tell a person a lot about who you are. For instants if you paint your room black or red, people will probably think that you aren’t the brightest person and that you want to close yourself from the world. If you would paint your room orange or yellow, people will think that you have a bubbly personality. If you paint your room pink, people will probably get the feeling that you are a girly person [which is alright].

The other part of designing that I like is the decorations because if you look for the right things, even the tiniest decoration can give the makeover a huge difference. Say that you have a normal light hanging over your table in the dining room, and you change it to a chandelier, you can get a whole new look and your dining room will look more sophisticated. Or if you put a big picture along with few candles on top of your fireplace mantel, your living room could look entirely different.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Dream!

One day I came home from school, I curled up into my comforter, and I fell asleep. I had this really cool dream. It was about me when I was all grown up. I was on the show Design Star (the show I really want to be on when I grow up). I was in the finals for who became the next design star. My opponent and I had to design two different rooms for two different people in two different houses. I got to transform a garage into a bachelor pad. There were huge orange and yellow circles on the walls and the base coat was blue. There was a long sofa with a flat screen mounted on the wall, and a snack bar in the corner. It looked spectacular!

Then the day of the winner has come and my opponent and I were standing on the platforms watching the video that had our rooms on it. When those got done I was so nervous I thought that I was going to lose because my opponent's designs were really, really good!. When the announcer says, "Congratulations Kerri, you are the winner of this seasons design star." balloons and confetti are falling down from the ceiling and my family comes out to congratulate me and my opponent. But then I woke up. I wanted to keep having that dream over and over again. I haven't had that dream since...But it was the best dream I have ever had!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

my favorite designers

My favorite designers would have to be Kim Myles, David Bromstad, Vern Yip, and Candice Olsen. Kim Myles, from the TV show Myles of style; her designs are elegant and spunky, yet so put together. She is one of the people inspired me it want to become a designer.

David Bromstad is from color splash. I get all of my color coordination from him. He puts these crazy good designs together that you think wouldn’t work but they do! In every design he does he has a personalized piece of art work that he made. I think that is a really good idea.

Vern Yip is from deserving design. He designs for people who deserve design; hence the name. I think that is really sweet to do because every time he designs a new room for a family he always surprises them with doing two rooms. His designs are simple, but complex. He is excellent at putting colors for a room. He really knows what he is doing.

Lastly is Candice Olsen from divine design. Her designs are so sophisticated and elegant. She makes you feel like you live in a palace. She sticks to one simple design but makes it so much more. If I were you have my house redesigned I would choose one of these four people.

Friday, January 29, 2010

My new room

When I get my new room this summer I will get to paint and design it however I want. It will be brown, cream, and blue with polka dots on the walls. In the nook there will be bean bag chair and a book shelf for me to do my home work and read. On the window there will the floor to ceiling curtains that are brown with a cream sheer.

My accent color is going to be apple green. So I would but a brown cream and green candle for a decoration. Or I would get cream and brown baskets and put them on a shelf for storage and decoration. The look I have going for in my new room is sophisticated and I tiny bit of elegance. I like this look because it fits my style. So that way when someone walks into my room they will right away get a feel of my sense of design. They would right away think “Wow this could be the main attraction!”And that’s exactly hat I want them to think!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

fashion and design

I have always had a keen eye for interior design and fashion. When I grow I want to be an interior designer. I want to be on the show Design Star, from HGTV and I want to have my own show. I will call it The Main Attraction, so that when people come to see the new room that I decorated, that is all they will talk about. My designs will be classy, elegant, and playful, filled with color, neat, and kid friendly. There will be so many things to say.

My inspiration on becoming an interior design is from HGTV. All summer break long my mom would come home from work for lunch and she would flip on the TV so she could see some new designs on HGTV. At first d it got really old, but the more I watched it the more I found that I started to have a favorite show. We watched it so often that almost every time we would turn on the TV that channel would be on.

When I go to college I would like to get a degree in design. I just have to keep studying hard and get good grades if I want to get into a really good school. That shouldn’t be hard though, because I’m really good at getting good grades in all of my classes.

Friday, January 15, 2010

First Semester Portfolio – My Favorite Piece

This is one of my favorite pieces. It is a short story that I wrote on a snow day. It’s about a girl who wanders into an old barn. When she gets into the old barn she discovers something and now she can’t get away from it. Here it is.

When you look at the barn…you think that it is just an ordinary barn. But when you look deeper, you see different things. In the dusty old barn there are shattered windows and ceiling beams on the floor. Cob webs stream the ceilings and walls. A hat is lying on the floor, tattered and dusty; little pieces have been chewed on by mice. I look to the corner and a man sleeping; he’s sleeping under a fallen beam. His hands are big, firm and intricate. He looks peaceful, quiet; he’s awakening for him slumber. I turn to walk out, but a hand is now lying on my shoulder. I turn
around to see that a stranger has is big fat hands on MY shoulder!

I push it off but he puts it back on. He’s not going to stop. He wants something from me and won’t leave until he gets it. I ask him what he wants. He wants me to follow him. I follow him into a shallow ditch. He says he needs money but I have my wallet in my purse which is in the car. So he allows me to go to my car and get my wallet and I have to be back in 2 minutes. When I get to my car, I think about driving away; but he will probably find me and kill me. So I do what is asked of me so I can go home.

While I’m walking back to the creepy old man I spy a shiny silver piece lying on the ground. I go to see what it is and it is a pocket watch. I pick that up to give to the man too. When I get to the ditch where the man told me to be at, he isn’t there. So I track the foot prints in the mud. They lead to a silo. So I start to walk up the steps and I go back down. I walk around the silo to see the man lying on the ground; dead. I look up and no one is there. I walk around the silo to see if anyone is coming down, or has run away. No sign or anyone. He must have done it himself. Did he feel bad about what he was making me do? What would have possessed him to do this?

Then I glance down and see a strip of news paper. A woman and two kids are on the cover. The heading said “Disastrous fire. Women and two kids killed.” Then I realize he died because he wanted to see his family. All these years he probably has been so lonely and when he saw me… I probably reminded him of his family. He wants to see them and no matter what he does he wants them to be here, in his arms. So every time I think of him, I’m sure that where ever he goes, he will be happy.